A hard disk on a tiny card
Higher resolution image for download
13 February 2011
Current RomDisqs (shipped from 5 Apr 98) have a 100p capacitor on opposite side to 'Lattice' chip from pin 2 of 8 way connector to another capacitor pad (GND). Up to then, most RomDisqs had a 100pF capacitor connected between pins 1 and 2 of the 8way connector. If your capacitor is not connected this way or you have no added capacitor, then please return your RomDisq for upgrading. Data will not be erased (hopefully!), but keep a back up copy of your data, along with directories.
Some users have found that the QL locks up occasionally when saving to RomDisq, resulting in a corrupted directory. This means the RomDisq can no longer be written to, but often can be read. Version 2.11 corrected this bug. Users of versions 2.10 and earlier must upgrade to the current driver.
Also added is a rom (or extensions file) load facility prior to the F1/F2 prompt. This means, for instance, that superHermes extensions could be loaded from RomDisq before any BOOT is loaded.
All users must upgrade to 2.11 or later Rom
V2.14 RomDisq driver (1 Nov 98) 13650 bytes. EXEC the driver - this will write the new driver to RomDisq (This replaces version 2.13L) Not an essential upgrade to 2.13L - simply halves the driver EXE file but driver on RomDisq is essentially not different.
RomDisq upgrade notes (13 Nov 98) - no current problems known.
Current manual in text form (19 May 03) (for V2.14 driver)
I can add a jumper to RomDisq if users want to boot with no RomDisq - eg if RES_128 boot is needed. If you want this, return RomDisq to me with an SAE (or two IRQs from overseas) and I will add a jumper. A switch could be connected to this for tower case users - ie keylock. This change is incorporated on current issue B boards.
Do not use any Aurora ROM adaptor that has ribbon cable. This can introduce noise and may cause data errors.
NOW BEING SHIPPED is a QL rom card smaller than a credit card containing 2 mbytes, 4 mbytes or 8 mbytes flash memory. Flash memory can be written to and read, but remains unchanged if you power down.
RomDisq behaves exactly like a QL 'directory device' - floppy disks, microdrives and hard disks are the most common directory devices. In other words you can SAVE and LOAD to it and even boot your entire system, including all drivers/ programs (subject to RomDisq capacity) faster than a hard disk, and silently. In fact you can use practically all commands you use on FLP, MDV or WIN.
Stuart Honeyball has written the on board operating logic, Tony Tebby has written the operating software and Tony Firshman designed the board, and is manufacturing and selling it.
The pcb is certainly be the most complex small board for the QL. It is only 52mm x 37mm - smaller in area than the Care rom cartridge - yet has about 250 pins and 3 metres of pcb connections. The edge connector are gold plated, so has none of the electrical problems of the current edge connectors.
It plugs into the Aurora (with an adaptor) or the QL rom slot and contains an auto loading directory driver. Being a directory device (rom1_) saving a boot program is as simple as: SAVE rom1_BOOT.
This boot program can contain everything you would normally have in your own boot, including programs. eg:
10 TK2_EXT 20 .....{SMSQ boot} 30 LRESPR 'rom1_ipcextuk_bin' 30 LRESPR {rom1_everthing else} 40 LRUN 'win1_boot':REMark optional
ie everything that is in ones normal boot can all be on RomDisq.
A new feature is the ability to initialise ROMs and RESPR files before F1/F2 prompt.
For prices see UK Europe Rest of world
------------------------------------------------ QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) (+44)1442-828255 email Tony Firshman (edit in name) TF Services Voice: (+44)1442 828254 Fax: (+44)1442 828255 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG ------------------------------------------------